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The Falling of Katja: an Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles) Page 4
The Falling of Katja: an Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles) Read online
Page 4
Beside me he did sit, his heart rate accelerating straightaway. I smiled at him, hoping the sympathy I felt fer him didn’t show through. He took that as encouragement and placed his hand upon me thigh. I stiffened under his touch. Zahrah shot me a reprimanding, yet reinforcing look. I knew she expected me to play along. Though, I did not know if I could.
He leaned over and began kissing me upon the neck. I did not respond, nor did I stop him. I only remained there, stationary while his inexperienced lips fumbled their way about me neck. Katja leaned forward and ran her hands up his thighs, quickly reaching the bulge under his trousers. His breathing quickened as she stroked him through the material, sending bursts of warm breath upon me skin.
Then he bent his head lower and commenced with feverishly kissing the swells of me cleavage as Katja opened his trousers and revealed his excited manhood, gripping it expertly within her small hand. Zahrah shot me a look then, motioning fer me to touch him as well.
What? I cannot! Another man than me Donovan never have I touched! Nor do I wish to!
Yet I did, knowing better than to displease Zahrah. I grasped it and he groaned. ‘Twas warm . . . no, hot within me hand. I noted Katja stroking it up and down, so I mimicked her action. As I took over the motion, she knelt down and took him within her mouth. Louder he did groan and suddenly grabbed me face, covering me mouth with his, attempting to slice his tongue into me mouth.
Trying so hard I was to push down the urges that were rushing their way to the top! Instinctively, I stroked him firmer as he kissed me, feeling him thickening in me hand. So powerful I did feel! Besides me desire threatening to overtake me, the scent of his blood racing through his veins with his arousal was calling to me.
Katja rose up and placed herself beside him upon the other side of the bench. Sensing movement, I glanced to see what she was doing and saw her removing her bodice, freeing her breasts. The boy turned his head then and upon seeing her ample bared breasts gaped in astonishment. Sweetly she smiled to him, touching his head and gently guiding it to them. He did not hesitate to draw her large nipples into his mouth and suckle as an infant.
I watched, partially intrigued and partially jealous, while continuing to stroke him. Zahrah looked at me, motioning fer me to do something I did not understand. I stared back at her in confusion. Quickly she did become exasperated with me and resorted to using words.
“Climb astride him, A-sleen!” Zahrah ordered, her voice just a whisper. I stared at her stupidly, hoping she did not truly intend what it sounded as. “Sit upon his shaft!” Zahrah commanded again, more impatiently.
I shook me head in refusal. Trying to coerce me, she shot me a harsh stare. However, waver I did not. Again I shook me head, more vehemently this time, a staunch expression of determination upon me face.
As I knew where this all was leading fer him anyway, I made the decision to get it over with— fer him as well as meself— and picked up his hand and brought his wrist to me lips. Still immersed in the physical pleasure Katja was administering upon him, not a smidgeon of attention did he give to that which I was doing. Me lips brushed across his wrist as I deliberated.
This is the first time ever I have killed someone against me own inclination. So young he is . . . Yet his death is certain, regardless. What he thought to be an unbelievably lucky occasion with three beautiful women instead will show him to his death.
Wishing only to have this over with, I opened me mouth and sank me teeth through the flesh of his wrist into the vein beneath that had been teasingly pulsing against me lips. ‘Twas then his eyes connected with mine. They ripped away from his lust filled gaze on Katja’s breast to shoot a look of shock at me, the pain registering upon his face.
Into his eyes I did gaze as I drank him, reading the fear there— as well as sensing it— the flavor of it invading, altering the taste of his blood. But I strove to ignore it, concentrating instead upon the delectable taste of his young blood going down me throat.
Katja must have felt somewhat uneasy about it as well, fer with a pleading look to me she whispered, “At least let us give him his full pleasure as never before he has experienced . . .”
Nevertheless, discerning ‘twas too late fer this boy to reap any more pleasure from her efforts, she grabbed his head, guiding it back to her breast. ‘Twas then I first noticed the translucent white liquid flowing from them, and me curiosity piqued. A bit shocked I was to see sweet Katja in her role: luring him to his death, offering her ample breasts fer the boy to suckle upon the whole time, apparently as a means to soothe and distract him from the reality of his imminent death.
However, realization at what was taking place overrode his pleasure, and the fear remained in his eyes as powerlessly he watched me drinking from him. Seeing his bewildered and pleading eyes, I could go on no longer.
So young he is! No right have I to end his life this way! I will not be the one to do it!
I broke me suction upon his flesh, and turned away from him, striving to halt me bloodlust, to drive the thought of it from me mind.
Zahrah shot an angry glare at me. “What are you doing, A-sleen? Finish him!”
Me eyes closed tight with me strenuous effort as I ignored her. Delay she did not, the scent of the blood still flowing from the vein I had punctured calling to her. Zahrah lunged forward to his throat, flinging his head back and sinking her teeth in recklessly. Katja took his bleeding wrist to her lips and delicately suckled the blood from it as he had suckled her. Moments later, his gasps choked off to silence.
Against the side of the carriage wall I did hunch meself, me face turned away, striving to hold me breath so that I wouldn’t smell his fresh blood. Although I felt awful fer his fate, relieved I was that at least ‘twas over and I could return home and attempt to banish his face from me memory. However, I knew unlikely that was.
To say that Zahrah was immensely displeased at this outcome of me initiating quest would have been a severe understatement! Grabbed me she did, spinning me around. “What is the matter with you, ragazza!” she screamed at me. “Why did you cease in the midst of it like that?” she demanded. The wild look in her eyes, the contempt in her tone, it frightened me.
Uttering nothing in response, I shrunk from her into the velvet wall. I just wanted her to disappear from me. Katja looked at me from the other side of the dead boy, a mixture of concern and sympathy upon her face.
Fumed at me lack of response, Zahrah slapped me hard, then grabbed me roughly by me cheekbones, forcing me to look at her. Her mouth ‘twas bathed in his blood, colouring her teeth red, drops of it falling from her chin onto her cleavage. She looked absolutely revolting. I gasped.
A monster she is!
What does that make me then?
“How dare you interfere with my pleasure!” Zahrah hissed through her bloodstained teeth at me. “You will never do something as this again!” Frozen I was beneath her pointed fingers crushing into the bones through the flesh of me face.
“Capisce?” I tried to nod, but she held me face too tightly fer me to move.
“Speak!” she screeched.
“Sì, Zahrah!” I managed to say, me face flaring with pain.
“You would do well to understand something, A-sleen,” Zahrah pronounced me name with a tone of condescension. “When we hunt, it is my lead you follow. It is always my hunt you are so privileged to be joining, not yours. Consider yourself fortunate to be my guest. It is by my graciousness alone that you are permitted to feed, and only after I have taken all the pleasure I desire from him. Is this clear?”
Her hold upon me face she released. I nodded, and then quickly spoke me answer. “Sì, Zahrah.”
Zahrah sat back, gloating in her satisfaction and smeared the blood across her face with the back of her hand, which she promptly set about licking clean.
The remainder of the jaunt back home ‘twas one of awkward silence, at least on me part.
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Author Biography
Rosalind Scarlett lives in Boulder, Colorado with her loving and supportive husband, two rambunctious little boys, her beautiful Great Dane, Isis and her proud bunny, Micah. She holds degrees in Psychology and Interior Design. Rosalind is zealously proud to be of Celtic ancestry.
When not immersed in her writings, Rosalind's passions are reading, listening to music, yoga, spiritual exploration, organic gardening and living, riding horses, transforming ugly, old houses to their former splendor, riding bicycles with her family, hiking, mountains, lush evergreen forests, foggy mornings, falling snow, feeding old bread to small critters and watching nature from her deck on crisp evenings with a glass of wine.
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Rosalind Scarlett
Read more by Rosalind Scarlett
Short Story Erotica:
Double the Pleasure
Let Nature Take its Course
Paranormal Erotic Romance Series:
Anam Céile Chronicles
(Recommended Order of Reading)
Cailín (Book I)
Donovan’s Struggle (Erotic Novella)
The Submission of Giuliana (Erotic Novella)
The Awakening of Celeste (Erotic Novella)
The Sins of Zahrah (Erotic Novella)
The Falling of Katja (Erotic Novelette)
Soeis (Book II)
Leannán (Book III) December 21st 2013
La Amore di Vincenzo (Erotic Novella) December 2013
The Seduction of Gretchen (Erotic Novella) January 2014
The Turning of Niccolò (Erotic Novella) February 2014
Soilsiú (Book IV) December 21st 2014
Angel Paranormal Romance Series:
Sanctum of Souls
Rhapsody (Book I) Spring 2014
Sanctuary (Book II) Summer 2014
Look for this Fantasy Erotic Faerie Series in 2014:
The Twilight Garden
Garlands of Flowers (Book I)
Moonlight on Flowers (Book II)
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Read more of Katja in ‘Soeis’, Book II of the Anam Céile Chronicles
Excerpt of Soeis Book II of the Anam Céile Chronicles
Author Biography
For More Information or to Connect with Rosalind Scarlett
Read more by Rosalind Scarlett
Copyright © 2013 by Rosalind Scarlett
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
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